b'GiftsDeluxe Ladies RosariesWith Genuine Pewter or Gold Plated Crucifixes & Centers(unless otherwise indicated). Deluxe gift boxed. RY673 $45RY1016 $48RY1006 $52 Emerald aurora Metallic blue Multi-coloredborealis glass beads, brown glass beads,7mm. Withbeads, 6mm. MaryUntier7mm. With With O.L. of KnotsO.L. Perpetual Help Sorrow picturepicture center.picturecenter. Rhodium finishedcenter. crucifix and center. RY637 $42 RY619 $58 White glass pearlTin cut roseRY1026 $45beads, 6mm. aurora Pink andIncludesborealis beads, amethyst crucifix with7mm. Includes crucifix sun cut roses and St. Therese with roses and St. Theresecrystal beads, 6mm. photo center. picture center.With floral crystal Our Father beadsand St. Theresepicturecenter.Rhodiumfinishedcrucifixand center. RY610 $56RY641 $53 Metallic blueGold metalglass beads RY1013 $43beads, 6mm. with whiteGold Withpearl Our capped Divine Mercy Father beads,metal center.7mm. With Lourdesrosebud holy water center.beads, 6mm.Withtwo-tonecrucifix andO.L. Guadalupecenter.ReversesideRY651 $52 Green crystal beads, 7mm.RY693 $54 With O.L. White glassGuadalupe pearl beads,picture7mm. Withcenter. O.L.Guadalupe picturecenter.RY1020 $45 90 Aqua glass beads,6mm. With cappedOur Father beads.Includes O.L. Guadalupepicture center.'