b'93 RY1275AQ $30 All pricesAqua frosted are suggested glass beadsRY1275PK $30retail with capped Pink frosted aqua speckledRY1275GR $30 glass beadsglass Our Father Green frosted with capped beads, 8mm.glass beadspink speckledwith cappedglass Our Fathergreen speckled beads, 8mm. glass Our Fatherbeads, 8mm.With Silver Oxidized or Gold Plated Crucifixes & CentersRY1283RO $36 Rose crystal beads,6mm, with whiteRY1283BL $34 glass pearl Blue crystal beads,Our Father beads, 6mm, with white8mm. Adorned glass pearlwith crystal beaded Our Father beads,spacers, and 8mm. Adorned4mm crystal with crystal beadedrondelle beads. spacers, and4mm crystalrondelle beads.RY1274 $39 Imitation blue marbleglass beads, 6mm. Withblue and white resin cameocrucifix and center. Deluxe gift boxed. RY1284 $36RY306 $25RY305 $26 Blue-veined White glassWhite glassstone glasspearl pearlcapped beads,beads beads8mm. Withwith with silvercapped Our Father capped Our Father oxidized beads, 7mm. beads, 7mm. crucifix,and blue and white resin cameoQuality Ladies Rosariescenter. RY1280AM $26Imitation bluemarble glass RY1224 $21beads with Glass pearl beads white pearlRY1280RO $26in blue or Our FatherImitation rose pink, 8mm. beads, 6mm. marble glass With beads with floating white pearl Our Father beads. Our Fatherbeads, 6mm.Gifts'