b'13All pricesare suggestedretailStandard WalletDeluxe Purse Sets SetsFor specific sets desired, see stock numbers beside each book. For specific sets desired, see stock numbers beside each book.Each set includes a book, satin brocaded purse with shoulder strap, Each set includes a book, unbreakable rosary,vinyl rosary case with pearl rosary, enameled chalice pin chalice pin, and scapular. Boxed.and scapular. Books, Sets, Holy Cards, & Candles718 $16.95 127 $7.95 135 $13.95Book only Book only Book onlyCSM718 $27.95 719 $16.95 CSM127 $18.95 125 $7.95 CSM135 $24.95 130 $13.95Standard set Book only Standard set Book only Standard set Book onlyCSW718 $38.95 CSM719 $27.95 CSW127 $29.95 CSM125 $18.95 CSW135 $35.95 CSM130 $24.95Deluxe set Standard set Deluxe set Standard set Deluxe set Standard setSimulated mother-of-pearl padded Hardcover with gold stamping, Padded cover with gold stamping,cover with gold stamping, gold edges, 4" x 5". gold edges, 4" x 5".4" x 5". Presentation SetsJesus My FriendPadded cover with gold stamping, gold edges,3" x 5".N2271B $38Boys setN2271G $38Girls set9904GE $9.95 Each set includes a book, rosary case with rosary,bookmark, gold plated Communion pin and scapular.Book only 9904BE $9.95CSM9904GE $19.95 Book onlyStandard set CSM9904BE $19.95CSW9904GE $30.95 Standard setFirst CommunionDeluxe setHoly CardsLaminated First Communion cards (2" x 3")with gold foil embossed medal design, andCommunion prayer on back.Sold in multiples of 25 per item.N2137G N2137B$15 $15Girl Boy12" First Communion candle. N2313B $38 N2313G $38Designed for decorative purposes Boys set Girls setonly. For safety, remove materials on Each set includes a hard cover Missal, candle,PPR152G $1.50 PPR152B $1.50 candle before lighting as they may rosary, keepsake cross and armband or handkerchief.Girl Boy be flammable.'