b'Presentation SetsInvitations N2276 sets include: N2278 set includes: 15Decorative candle, handkerchief,gift rosary, hard cover Missal,Armbands Decorative candle, handkerchief scapular and pin. All pricesor amband, remembrance Missal,Each traditional scapular, and are suggestedinvitation gift rosary. retailhas four Each armbandcolor part is hand-made.processingwith radiantcolors. Goldaccents appearas if they weregold-leaf.Envelopesincluded.145-520GS N2274 $19(Pack-25) Silver/IHS/Cross$20/pack Girl/Spanish(80 each) N2275 $19Gold/IHS/ChaliceBookmarksWithtassel, N2278NS $30prayer, Neutral/Spanish& goldfoil145-520BS(Pack-25)$20/pack N2276BS $38(80 each) Boy/SpanishBoy/Spanish MM3145GSGirl/Spanish(Pack-12)$33/pack($2.75 each) MM3145BSSpanish GiftsBoy/Spanish(Pack-12)$33/pack ($2.75 each)N2277GS $30Girl/Spanish (Contents listedin below description)N2279B $14Colorful wood/BoyPicture FramesN2276GS $38N2279G $14 Girl/SpanishColorful wood/Girl First CommunionN2277BS $30Boy/SpanishN2280GS $25 N2280 sets include: N2280BS $25 N2277 sets shown above include:Girl/Spanish Hard cover Missal, gift rosary Boy/Spanish Hard cover Missal, candle, rosary,with case, laminated scapular keepsake cross and armbandand gold chalice pin. or handkerchief.'