b'N2023 $20 195" SponsorAll pricescross with are suggestedsentiment retailof appreciation.Hangs or stands.Space forengraving MM1971-15 $7 on back.Ribbon bookmark, Pewter finish. 1" x 4". Pewter finish.Sold in multiples of 2.N2342 $33Wood picture frame withlaser cut lettering and resin dove.Mahogany, 5" x 8".N2385$20 N2384$17Confirmed in Christ 5" wall cross inscribed withpicture frame, 6" x 8". With easel and sentiment, Confirmed in Christ.Gods love has been poured into our hearts through Believe and receive His peace,N2245 $14 the Holy Spirit. Romans 5:5. power and presence.Colorful wood picture frame, 8" x 9".MDF wood with dove. Holds 4" x 6" photo. MDF Wood with dove.Hang or stand.Cross/DoveKey RingsIndividually carded.Sold in multiples of 2 per design.MM434P MM112P MM1497 $7$7 $5.50 MM3351PGuardian Angel/Genuine Genuine $5.50 St. Christopher.pewter pewter MM2844P With gold plated$5.50 medal.Genuinepewter Assorted GiftsConfirmation249-04 $11.95St. JosephConfirmation BookWith embossed redhard cover and foilstamping. IncludesConfirmation rite,prayers, instructions,608-19C $48 and inspiring readingsSt. Joseph New American Bible from the gospel.Confirmation gift edition with supple simulated 288 pages, 4" x 6".leather, blind embossing, foil stamping, anddecorative gilding.Includes new maps and pages for Confirmationand family records. 1,680 pages, 5" x 8".'