b'Ornaments 31All pricesare suggestedretailLights Up!All lapel pins are individually carded. Merchandisers are included FREE withpurchase of displays.N2350 $17N2310 (Pack of 6) Holy Family in stable$42/pack ($7 each) with LED lighting.Icicle Angel ornaments Wood/resin, 5".with silver and gold heart (Holy Family figuresand wings. Ceramic, 4" are 2".) Can be used(3 each of 2 colors shown). as a Holy Family figurine.Silicone Wristbands, Ornaments, & Lapel PinsWristbandsMM2788KC $2Keep Christ in Christmas.Sold in multiples of 12,assorted red and green.MM2789 (Basket of 48) $96/BasketSilicone wristbands. Includes 12 ofMM2788JR $2 Lapel Pineach subject in red and green. Jesus is the Reason for the Season.Sold in multiples of 12, Sold in multiples of 6.assorted red and green.Hand EnameledLapel PinsSold in multiples MM292 $4of 6 per design. Jesus is the Reason$4 each for the Season. Ceramic.MM1439-4I Bring Good MM1439-17 MM1439-16Tidings of Great Joy Spread the Jesus is the BestChristmas Spirit Gift of AllMM1439-9 MM1439-6 MM49-3The Miracle Joy*Peace*Love Jesus is the Reasonof Christmas for the SeasonChristmasMM1439-7 MM1439-15 MM1439-11Follow His Star Jesus is the Heart Joy to the Worldof ChristmasMM372 (Basket of 72)$291/basketHand enameled lapel pins.MM1439-13 MM1439-18 Includes 6 each of 11Believe in Come Let Us designs shown and 6 ofMiracles Adore Him MM292 above.'